Valley of Weights Record Review by Wes

Whoa, I didn’t realize someone from Vatican Commandos played in this project! That somehow makes sense though, because this is the kind of hefty indie rock stuff that is clearly informed by an earlier involvement in hardcore. How can one tell? I dunno, you just can. It’s a kind of energy that gets translated across genres that comes through in the riffs and in the overall attitude, I guess. A workman-like ethos that seeps through the tunes. And for a bunch of dudes who have been around a while, there’s no dearth of that. There’s some Volcano Suns in here, Squirrel Bait, SST-ish get-in-the-van style indie rock psychedelia…and it’s catchy too. Everyone here can seriously play, and I find myself following the intricacies of the basslines as stabs of bright, distorted guitar punctuate. There’s a lot packed onto 4 sides but it doesn’t lag or let up. Cool record.

Image showing the cover of Valley of Weights vinyl album